The Adventures of Milla Carter – The Swarm

A highly dangerous gas swarm is heading towards earth. It has already destroyed the planetary settlement AntiSoc, while the nearby Iapetus colony could be next. Iapetus sector manager The Padre and his lover Laura Bradley, are working with two super intelligent AIs to halt its progress. However, Milla Carter knows that mankind’s only hope is in the swarm’s complete destruction. Can she annihilate the cloud before it reaches earth?

Reviewed By Juliette Foster
“The final part of the Soul’s Asylum trilogy is sci-fi writing at its powerful, absolute best”.


Derek E Pearson blasted his way onto Britain’s science fiction circuit with the brilliantly edgy Body Holiday trilogy, which chronicled the fight between feisty heroine Milla Carter and the despicably creepy Body Holiday Foundation. With the battle now well and truly over, Pearson has transported Milla into even deadlier territory. In Soul’s Asylum (the first book in a trilogy by the same name), she dodged a plague that attacked humanity’s reproductive abilities, while in the sequel Star Weaver she tracked down a serial killer who garrotted and scalped their victims. In the final book, The Swarm, Milla is up against a lethal gas cloud hell bent on destroying earth.

Can she stop it, or are the odds too heavily stacked against her? This latest Milla Carter adventure is fused with black humour, new age philosophy, and addictive brain stretching science. A classy novel that once again reaffirms Pearson’s position as a major literary talent.

Reviewed by Juliette Foster

© Archant Community Media Limited used under limited licence

Why not add The Parasite Lives and Star Weaver, the first and second books in the Soul’s Asylum trilogy, to your Derek E. Pearson collection?

Click on the covers to find out more about other books written by the author. Hear Derek E. Pearson read an excerpt from his novel Slave Skin. Watch a video of the author in conversation with Read2Write’s Juliette Foster.

