The Catalyst

University graduate Kurt finds it tough handling ‘adult matters’ like taxes, rent, and estate agents let alone the stress of holding conversations. So he’s totally unprepared when he wakes up to find he has developed telekinesis, while his friends have incredible and life-threatening abilities. Kurt and his mates face a drastically changed world, where power is literal and only those who possess it will rule. Even worse, he still has to converse!

Reviewed By Juliette Foster
“Science fiction meets dystopia in this debut novel from an electrifying literary talent.”


Fresh out of university, Kurt is fearful about tackling ‘adult matters’ like taxes, rent, and estate agents, while the thought of holding conversations is enough to bring him out in a raging cold sweat!

It’s fair to say that when Kurt wakes up to a world where he’s developed telekinesis, while other people around the globe have incredible and life-threatening abilities, he is definitely unprepared.

Kurt and his friends face a drastically changed situation in which power is literal and only those who possess it run the show. Even worse, he still has to converse!

The Catalyst follows Kurt, George, and Jo as they travel through a world in which society has collapsed while authority has crumbled. One of the few people who understands what’s going on is M, an evolutionary researcher who rescues the trio.

Under M’s protection, they meet new friends, witness incredible powers, learn to harness their own abilities (or lack thereof) and prepare to take part in M’s plan to regain a level of order in an unrecognisable world.

Needless to say, estate agents are the least of Kurt’s problems!

Reviewed by GB Publishing Org