
Maxime Jaz’s Fall is the story of two men who are as different as chalk and cheese. Wealthy Jake doesn’t need to make an effort as everything is laid out for him on a plate, compared to Doug, the humble circus worker who’s not only free but the master of his own fate. However, Fall is not just a story about two men from backgrounds that are worlds apart. It is a bisexual awakening, a gay romance, and about the inevitability of change.

Format: Kindle Edition, Hardcover & Paperback

Print Length: 451 Pages

Language: English


Reviewed By Reviewed By Violeta Nedkova
“Two men from two very different worlds. An emotional book that will touch every level of your feelings.”


Fall, by Maxime Jaz, is an emotional roller coaster of a book. It’s the story of wealthy everything-is-laid-out-for-him Jake and down-to-earth, humble circus worker Doug. They’re two guys who are as different as night and day – one is controlled by everyone around him while the other is free and master of his own fate. This is a bisexual awakening story and a gay romance, but mostly, it’s the story of two very different people meeting and how everything slowly changes for them over a period of time.

This book is full of frustration, manipulation, kindness, family values, freedom, homelessness, kindness to animals, heart-breaking tragedy, a sweet little angel, a wise old gypsy woman, a circus down on its luck, and a rich world where everything is already laid out for you.

Most of all, this book is full of love. It’s not easy, but that’s what makes it real.

I have to admit, there were some editing issues, but it didn’t matter. I read this book in one sitting, even though it was relatively long. I couldn’t put it down because it made me fall in love with Doug, a simple man in a circus who stands strong in the storm, while everything around him falls apart. All the other characters and little details of circus and gypsy life were fascinating too.

Two men, wildly different circumstances, a whirl of emotions, and 5 stars.

Why did I give this book five stars? Because it made me cry, it made me laugh, it made me fear, it made me scream in anger, and it made me very, very committed to the fate of the characters. It also reminded me what it means to be human and that beauty can be found even in the worst moments. There can be freedom in having nothing. And so many other precious little things.  Isn’t that what we want books to do for us? To make us fall in love with them, reading them all over again?

So if you want to feel it all, just read this book. Don’t forget your tissues!

Reviewed by Violeta Nedkova