Andrew Thompson

Guy Fawkes for Kids: The Gunpowder Plot of 1605

This short story (25 pages) explains why November 5th is celebrated as Bonfire Night in England and how Guy Fawkes’ name is identified with an event that, had it succeeded, would have changed the course of English history. Fawkes, a Catholic conspirator, was part of the infamous 1605 Gunpowder Plot and Andrew Thompson has brought his story to life with humorous cartoon style illustrations.

Paperback: 25 Pages

Language: English

Format: Kindle Edition & Paperback

Reviewed By Reviewed By Juliette Foster
“If you’ve ever wanted to know the story behind Bonfire Night, the burning of the Guy, or the meaning of the nursery rhyme “Remember, remember the 5th of November”, then this book is for you. ”