With her new PhD in astronomy, twenty-eight-year-old Grace Porter goes on a girls’ trip to Vegas. She’s a straight A, certified high achiever. She is not the kind of person who goes to Vegas and gets drunkenly married to a woman she doesn’t know…until she does. This one moment of frivolity has Grace wondering why she doesn’t feel more fulfilled in her life. Staggering under the weight of her father’s expectations, a harsh job market and the onset of burnout, Grace flees her home for a summer in New York with the wife she barely knows. There, she is able to ignore all the questions about her future plans and starts falling for her creative and beautiful wife, Yuki Yamamoto. But when reality comes knocking on her door, Grace must face what she’s been running from: the fears that make us all human.
Format: Library binding, Paperback, & Audio CD
Paperback: 304 Pages
Language: English
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