Kenny Dowling

Loulabub Zoolabub

In this delightfully illustrated story Loulabub plans a visit to the zoo to look in on the monkeys, her favourite animals. On the way she meets and talks to other friendly creatures, but will she reach her destination on time? The perfect book for children aged four upwards. Written in simple rhyming language, Loulabub Zoolabub is a charming book that quickly engages the attention.

Paperback: 36 Pages

Language: English

Format: Kindle Edition & Paperback

Reviewed By Juliette Foster
“The perfect story for parents who want an easy bedtime read for children.”


Okay, I admit it! I strayed outside my comfort zone when I read this book and yes, maybe there is something weird about a middle-aged woman enjoying a story written for young children. But what the heck! This book is grade A cute (a bit like Loulabub) and no matter how old we are most adults are kids at heart.

Loulabub Zoolabub is a charmingly written story about a little girl who visits the zoo to look in on the monkeys, her favourite animals. The illustrations are gorgeous while the text has an uncomplicated, rhyming vocabulary that easily captures the attention of young children.

Contrary to popular opinion, writing for children isn’t easy. Some authors mistakenly believe that kids enjoy anything that’s read to them, no matter how good or bad it is. Nothing could be further from the truth! Small children especially are extremely discerning and they’re not afraid to speak their minds if there’s something they don’t like. Author Kenny Dowling has avoided that pitfall with a story telling formula that genuinely works, making this book ideal for parents to read to their children at bedtime.

Just to make sure I wasn’t being carried away by my own enthusiasm, I read Loulabub Zoolabub to my grandsons (aged 1 and 3) and the daughter of a family friend (aged 2 and a half). The verdict? Loulabub is alright!

Reviewed by Juliette Foster

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