Mio is a delightful story about love, friendship, and what it’s like to be different from other people. Colorful and queer are the words that best describe this character, who the reader first gets to meet when they enter a new school and find themselves being treated differently from the other students. Obviously, if you’re supposed to be a boy who wears dresses, people are going to look at you strangely! However, the story also has an interesting Main Character who accepts Mio for who he is…an original!
What makes this such a particularly good read is how the story is told through the eyes of an apathetic character and – being a bit of a romantic – I couldn’t help falling for the soft love story that gradually develops between the two characters. I got so hooked on this short story that I genuinely couldn’t put it down and then I found myself reading it again to see if there was anything I missed the first time. When a book does that you know it must be good and in fact whenever I feel in need of a pick me up, this is the story I turn to. There is awesome queer and non-binary rep in this story and it’s not only well written but also extremely beautiful.
Honestly, I really cannot recommend this book enough.
Reviewed by Violeta Nedkova