Andrew Krivak

The Bear

Set in an alternative future, The Bear is the story of a father and daughter who live in the shadow of a lone mountain with the remnants of civilisation including some books, a pane of glass, and a comb. As they are the last of humankind, the father teaches the girl about fishing and hunting and the secrets of the stars and seasons, preparing her for an adulthood in harmony with nature. When the girl finds herself alone and in an unknown place, it is a bear that will lead her home through the wilderness and teach her one of life’s greatest lessons…if she can only learn to listen! A cautionary tale of human vulnerability, love and loss, and a tribute to the beauty and strength of nature.

Format: Kindle Edition, Audiobook, Paperback & Audio CD

Paperback: 224 Pages

Language: English


Reviewed By Reviewed By Violeta Nedkova
“A one-of-a-kind book that’s thought-provoking because of the perspective it brings to the story. I guarantee it will gently break your heart – little by little – while filling the void inside with something timeless. A gentle, contemplative, and powerful story about the harmony that exists between man and nature.”
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