The Red King: A Soldier With Richard the Lionheart, Part II: Volume 2 (Roger of Huntley)

With the long siege of Acre finally over, Roger and the Death’s Heads join King Richard in the march on Jerusalem. Richard defeats Saladin at the battle of Arsuf but is reluctant to make a move on the Holy City amidst fears of a trap. At the same time, he is battling to hold his fractious army together while staving off a leadership challenge from Conrad of Montferrat. Meanwhile, Fauston gets rich selling relics and Roger attempts to rescue Ailith, who is being held as a slave by the emir Qaymaz.

Format: Kindle Edition & Paperback

Paperback: 612 Pages

Language: English

Reviewed By Reviewed By Juliette Foster
“An excellent follow up that grabs the attention with its strong writing, attention to detail, and sheer grittiness.”