The Tragedy of Felix and Jake

Jake Tully is grumpy but hot…in fact, he’s downright sexy! Felix Fields on the other hand, is thoughtful, kind and everything good. When Felix agrees to sponsor Jake, the two addicts fall into a relationship that breaks all the rules around addiction and recovery. To put it bluntly, it’s a bad idea but Felix and Jake can’t help themselves because the attraction they feel around each other is…electric! Their love is nothing short of a tragedy, but can they beat the odds to find a happy ever after rainbow?

Format: Kindle Edition, Audiobook, & Paperback

Paperback: 484 Pages

Language: English


Reviewed By Reviewed By Violeta Nedkova
“Grumpy sunshine and hurt comfort? Forbidden love between an addict and his sponsor? This is a fun, emotional roller coaster ride that will make you laugh and cry.”