The Revelare witches will always be cursed as-long-as they use their magic. They are doomed to suffer four heartbreaks and so far, Sadie Revelare has had three: the departure of her mother, the loss of her brother and, most devastating of all, the painful heartbreak of Jake McNealy, her first love. Since then, Sadie has done everything in her power to protect herself from more emotional pain. But when Sadie’s beloved grandmother gets sick, she wonders how she’ll carry on and whether she’ll even have the strength to hold her family and magic together. As Sadie’s carefully structured life begins to unravel, Jake suddenly turns up after a ten year absence. At the risk of a final heartbreak that could tear her apart, Sadie must decide if love is more important than magic!
Format: Audiobook & Paperback
Paperback: 320 Pages
Language: English
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