
Ox was twelve when his father walked out on him. His parting shot was to call his son a worthless no good who people would never understand. At the age of 16 Ox met a boy on the road who couldn’t stop talking.  It’s only later that Ox discovered his travel companion hadn’t spoken in almost two years and had moved into the house at the end of the lane. By the age of 17, Ox discovered the boy’s secret which painted the world in shades of red, orange, and violet of Alpha, Beta and Omega. When Ox was 23, murder came to town, tearing a hole in both his head and heart. The boy pursued the monster with revenge in eyes of flaming red, leaving Ox to pick up the pieces. Three years have passed since that fateful day and the boy is back…except he’s now a man and Ox can’t ignore the song that howls between them!

Format: Kindle Edition, Audiobook, & Paperback

Paperback: 592 Pages

Language: English


A magical, emotional journey for the open-minded.


The thing about TJ Klune is that you can always tell you’re reading one of his books. What I really love the most about this author is his quality. He has a way of writing that’s both enticing and magical. Every sentence is a statement and a mystery. It’s also very emotional, and that’s especially true for this book because of the beginning and of course the main character. Because the main character is someone I found myself deeply in love with from the very start, I was emotionally invested from the first page and crying by the fifth.

Ox is a simple man who is constantly underestimated and underappreciated by everyone around him. But he has a huge heart which was made to love and from the very first meeting of him and his love interest, which happened in the childhood of said love interest, you will be grabbed by their story. You will also enjoy the characters and their loyalty to each other.

Reader warning – this is a gay werewolf story that also happens to be extremely beautiful!

To this day this book is one of my favorite novels because of the way that it’s written, the amazing characters, and the fast paced way that everything happens. It is filled with action, emotion, love, and loyalty. It’s one of those books that you’ll remember long after you’ve read it.

I would recommend Wolfsong and TJ Klune in general, because of the way he grabs your heart in a vice from the opening sentences. If you like stories with a magical undercurrent, a subtle delivery that also packs a punch, then he’s the author to go to.

Reviewed by Violeta Nedkova