Amberley Publishing, home of the ever-popular local history series Through Time, was founded in 2008. It is an independent book publisher focused on a rich variety of history and heritage. In addition to local history, it has an impressive catalogue of 3000 titles including print and e-books covering a range of subjects including transport, general history, sport, military and niche areas of specialist interest. Authors include first-time writers to well known professionals, all of whom are enthusiastic with an impressive knowledge in their fields of expertise.
Amberley Publishing
Juliette Foster is a journalist and co-founder of Read2Write. She wrote and illustrated her first novel when she was nine and although she doesn’t remember much about the story, the improbability of the plot was enough to make anyone who read it burst out laughing. Juliette’s ambition is to read every single book in her massive collection before her one hundredth birthday.