Juliette Foster
Juliette Foster
1 Min Read

SCRIPTORA is the self-publishing company associated with the Society of Women Writers and Journalists. It offers a comprehensive package to full SWWJ members including professional editing, proof reading, online advice and publicity. SCRIPTORA can also help poetry and short story writers reach a new, wider readership by publishing anthologies of their work. Rates are competitive, but authors can be safe in the knowledge that manuscripts are properly read by a team of experienced writers. Published authors include Mary Rothwell, Alex Rushton and Patricia Jones.

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Juliette Foster is a journalist and co-founder of Read2Write. She wrote and illustrated her first novel when she was nine and although she doesn’t remember much about the story, the improbability of the plot was enough to make anyone who read it burst out laughing. Juliette’s ambition is to read every single book in her massive collection before her one hundredth birthday.