Top 10 Fascinatingly Unique Books with Unusual Characters and Plotlines

Violeta Nedkova
Violeta Nedkova
7 Min Read

I’m a big reader, so I have read many books from many genres. However, once you oversaturate from a specific genre or style, you can’t help but become bored with the same old formulas. Now, there is nothing wrong with books that follow specific rules. I actually love predictability in genres, as it leads to general satisfaction after finishing the book. However, every once in a while I do become a bit tired of the ‘same old’ and begin seeking unusual and unique books, to cleanse my palate.

There are so many unique books out there! Some of them are written in strange ways, some of them are structured differently, and sometimes the stories or characters are simply bonkers! However the book is different, I always eat them up, and so I decided to collect some for your pleasure.

Here’s a list of the most unique and unusual books I have come across.

Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes

This book is about a character with a low IQ who undergoes a procedure to increase his intelligence. It’s written through progress reports, written by the main character, who at first makes grammatical mistakes and typo errors. But as his intelligence improves his writing gets better. Flowers for Algernon is a very emotional journey and a bit hard to read at first. However once you get into it, it’s amazing!

Piranesi by Susanna Clarke

Throughout the whole book, you don’t know who the main character is, or where he is, and why he’s there at all. All you know is that he lives in a house full of statues and waves, and gets by as best as he can by asking questions and getting some fascinating answers in return. This is a short, easy book to read, that’s also incredibly meaningful and poignant. I loved it!

Fever Dream by Samantha Schweblin

Fever Dream teases the reader because all you only know is that there’s a woman and a boy. You don’t know where they are, how they connect to each other, and what’s happening to them. But as the story progresses, you begin to put the pieces together, and it’s such a fun and unexpected journey. Fever Dream isn’t as amazing as Piranesi, but in my humble opinion, it’s still pretty interesting and different.

Bunny by Mona Awad

To this day, Bunny will always be the book I’ll think of first when someone asks about strange and unique reads. It isn’t written any differently to other books and the characters are nothing special, but the plot is absolutely bonkers! It’s about a girl who goes to college and wants to be a part of a group of girls who call each other ‘Bunny’. The mystery of why there are rabbits around campus and what these girls do during their strange gatherings, is so delicious you’ll gasp when you learn the truth!

I Crawl Through It by A.S. King

This is one of the most fascinating books I have ever read. It’s about a group of teenagers who deal with their own individual traumas in unique ways. One boy builds an invisible helicopter, a girl has eaten herself, and so on. There’s even a grown-up who gives everybody little pills! I Crawl Through It is a unique reading experience and I wouldn’t skimp out on it.

Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro

Klara is a children’s companion who’s also up for sale. She lives in the store with the other companions, who are intelligent – but not as much as Klara – and feed on the sun. This is a truly remarkable tale about what it means to be a companion, and Klara’s adventures when she leaves the store.

Shark Heart by Emily Habeck

A man whose just got married gets a rare diagnosis – he’s gradually going to turn into a shark! While the man’s wife initially resists the diagnosis, they both have a long journey ahead of acceptance and love. What a unique concept! It’s also very well written and fascinating overall.

The Iliac Crest by Christina Rivera Garza

Imagine this: you’re in your home when somebody suddenly knocks on your door. When you open the door there are two women in front of you. You are a man. They ruthlessly question you for hours, trying to show you that they know your secret: you’re not a man, you’re actually a woman. This is an unusual and atmospheric mystery with deep psychological components. You’ll either get it, or you won’t.

Earthlings by Sayaka Murata

There’s a reason why this book has been dubbed one of the strangest books ever because the events that transpire in the story are truly bizarre. It’s about a girl who grows up in a traditional place where being strange is not allowed. Instead she has to be useful. She marries a man who’s as strange as her, although they’re useful to each other as husband and wife. Interestingly they remain strange even when they’re alone. This is a funny and awkward story that left a big impression.

The Two Doctors Gorski by Isaac Fellman

This is a short book about a woman who can read people’s minds. She moves to England to finish her studies under the magician Marec Gorski, who has a very bizarre secret. He’s not just one man. But how can this be? And why are there disasters happening all over town? The secret, revealed later in the book, is both fascinating and original. It left a lasting impression on me, and to this day, I keep going back to it.

I hope you enjoy these books as much as I have! Happy reading!

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