5 Ways to Celebrate Mother’s Day

Violeta Nedkova
Violeta Nedkova
5 Min Read

I love Mother’s Day. To me, this day is very important because I am lucky enough to have an extremely lovely and supportive mother, who takes care of everyone around her, who spoils me, and who deserves the sweetest flowers and gifts on this day.

If you love this holiday like I do, here’s how to commemorate it:

1. Give your mum a handmade card or gift.

Not that there’s anything wrong with store-bought gifts or cards, but a handmade one is so much more personal and it shows your mother that you really took time to make something for her. I know making things with your hands seems intimidating, especially if you’re not a DIY crafter like me, but there’s a ton of things you can make that are very simple.

Like these cards that I made (this is just cutting some shapes and putting them together on card stock) or like this box that I made (this is just a regular box I found, I wrapped it in pretty paper, with the help of some glue, and I added some hedgehog buttons because it’s my mum’s favorite animal):

2. Support a mother in your life – could be your sister, your friend, etc.

My best friend is a mother of two. We don’t meet too often, but when we do, I am in awe of her. How can she juggle a job and two little boys? I have no idea. This is why when I see her, I do my best to tell her that she’s doing great. I know she doesn’t hear it a lot because who actually says these things aloud – but when she does, she has tears in her eyes. These words are simple, but important, and mothers need to hear them. So whenever you can, tell the mothers in your life that they’re amazing.

And if you are the mother, then please take a day off, go to the spa, treat yourself and appreciate how hard you’ve worked and how much you deserve some rest. You’re amazing.

3. Read books about motherhood and/or gift them to mothers.

Motherhood is such a unique human experience. While I have no earthly idea what it’s like to be a mother, I have no doubt it’s one of the most fulfilling ones this world has to offer. So whether you’re a mother or not, you can support other mothers by buying and reading their books. Whether they’re fiction or non-fiction, the book world has a TON of bespelling books about motherhood. We’ve collected our favorite ones in the Mother’s Day collection. Check them out!

4. Meditate on whether you would like to be a mother.

There are many women out there who have decided not to be mothers, and that’s their prerogative. They call themselves ‘child-free’ and it’s important to note that it’s a perfectly acceptable choice for any woman. While these women will admit that motherhood must really be wonderful, they are personally not interested in it. You can’t let society tell you how to live your life or yield to peer pressure. Just because many women in your life are mothers doesn’t mean you have to be. And it doesn’t mean motherhood is any less wonderful or fulfilling. It’s just not for everybody, and that’s okay.

5. Appreciate the pet mums out there.

Listen, I know that a lot of people don’t view pet ownership the same as motherhood, but I personally do, and I know a lot of pet mommies out there would give you a smile if you say, ‘Happy Mother’s Day’ to them today. You can even get them a ‘cat mum’ mug!

Everything doesn’t have to be so serious. In these times of strife and hardship, we all need more smiles, and the more people we give them to, the better our world we be in the end. I myself am a cat mom and I will celebrate Mother’s Day by giving my cat Misha a big, gigantic hug. She’s the sweetest girl I could ever wish for, and I am proud to be her mom.

And that’s it! These are just a few ideas how to commemorate this auspicious occasion.

Let us know – what are your favorite ways to celebrate Mother’s Day?

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