
The Times Olympic Moments: 100 epic highlights from the history of the Summer Olympics

The Austerity Olympics: When the Games Came to London in 1948

Serving Herself: The Life and Times of Althea Gibson

Death and Glory: A Soldier with Richard the Lionheart, Part III (Roger of Huntley)

The Red King: A Soldier With Richard the Lionheart, Part II: Volume 2 (Roger of Huntley)

Death’s Head: A Soldier With Richard the Lionheart (Roger of Huntley)

The Showman: The Inside Story of the Invasion That Shook the World and Made a Leader of Volodymyr Zelensky

The Ordeal of Elizabeth Marsh: How a Remarkable Woman Crossed Seas and Empires to Become Part of World History

The Professor and the Parson: A Story of Desire, Deceit and Defrocking

The Love That Dares: Letters of LGBTQ+ Love & Friendship Through History

Henry VIII: The Heart and the Crown

White Rajah: A Biography of Sir James Brooke

The Gunpowder Plot: Terror And Faith In 1605

The Real Guy Fawkes

God’s Secret Agents: Queen Elizabeth’s Forbidden Priests and the Hatching of the Gunpowder Plot

The Gunpowder Plot: Terror in Shakespeare’s England